As part of a feature article on the new The Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Heroes, the magazine Famitsu interviewed series producer Eiji Aonuma about the new game and the series as a whole. When asked about any plans for the 30th anniversary of the Legend of Zelda series next year, Aonuma instead focused on the upcoming Wii U title:

Aonuma did not say much else about the highly-anticipated game, but he did ask fans to wait just a little bit longer while they finish, saying:

It’s good to know that the new game is their highest priority at the moment. Hopefully the wait won’t be too long, but I for one would rather wait longer for a good game than get a mediocre game quickly.

Do you have any hopes for what might “take form” for the anniversary celebration next year? How about the new game? Let us know in the comments!

Aonuma promises Zelda Wii U team is trying to finish the game  as fast as possible  - 8