Respawn’s battle royale game is also expected to make its way to China and other parts of Asia, although a specific timeframe for the move was not provided.

Currently, Jorgensen said EA can offer no timeline for when fans could expect Apex Legends on mobile. However, he did say the company is in “advanced negotiations” related to the matter and will provide updates once negotiations have finished.

Yet EA’s financial forecast is built without expecting any contributions from the mobile version of Apex Legends or the move into China, which could suggest fans won’t be seeing the mobile release until later in the year.

Jorgensen revealed this information after covering EA’s projected earnings and growth for the coming fiscal year. Despite a slightly lower forecast for packaged goods, EA expects profits from live services to increase anywhere from 10% to 15%, and Apex Legends leads the way for that.

The game’s massive success and high Metacritic score, along with the fact that Apex Legends is responsible for 30% of EA’s new players, were cited as reasons why EA will continue to produce new ways for players to engage with the game, including mobile, moving forward.

Fans have wondered whether Apex Legends would come to mobile since the game launched back in February. At the time, Respawn couldn’t provide any specific details. The developer wanted it to happen eventually, but the priority was getting a full, bug-free game out on major platforms as soon as possible.

After launch, though, EA made mobile development its biggest focus, since it knew mobile would be a huge hit, especially in the APAC region.

Whether Apex Legends mobile will include cross-platform play with other versions when it launches or if it will support iOS and Android, Jorgensen didn’t say.