Programming interface Koroisau is being scrutinized after he carried a lady into the Blues bubble. Koroisau bringing somebody from outside the air pocket has put the entire game at the danger of being closed down, reports The Australian.

Programming interface Koroisau’s significant other is Amy Miliana.

Amy and Api Koroisau got hitched in 2017. They had an excellent conventional Fijian function encompassed by their family and friends and family in Saunaka, Nadi.

Amy imparts two girls to her significant other, Api Koroisau. Their kids are Kalesi and Miliana.

In the wake of finding out about the undertaking, Amy Miliana has since shown up at the Sunshine Coast at the Penrith Panthers’ Covid bubble with the children.

Amy Miliana’s age may be in her late 20s.

Amy’s significant other, Api Koroisau is 28 years of age. He was born on November 7, 1992, in Sydney, NSW, Australia.

One can find out about Amy Miliana several Wiki-bio pages.

The insights concerning Amy Miliana’s total assets are as of now private.

Amy Miliana doesn’t appear to be dynamic on Instagram.

Miliana isn’t dynamic on any online media stages right now. Amy likes to get her own life far from the media.

Click below for the full interview 📽️👇

— NSWBlues (@NSWBlues) July 9, 2021

Programming interface Koroisau Affair And Bubble Drama Explained

Programming interface Koroisau landed himself in some hot water when he welcomed a lady into the NSW Blues bubble.

Koroisau disrupted the norms of the 2021 State of Origin series as he snuck a lady in the air pocket. He carried the lady into the New South Wales bubble twice, and the subsequent one was on June 27, 2021, upon the arrival of Game Two. The first run through was on June 20, a day preceding the group was moved to Kingscliff, NSW. The group was put in an air pocket to forestall any openness to the Coronavirus.

As indicated by the Daily Mail, Koroisau met the lady on the web. He jeopardized the entire group and NRL rivalry by disrupting the guidelines. Programming interface Koroisau is put being scrutinized by the NRL, as of July 22, 2021.

Amy Miliana thought about the issue between Api Koroisau and the lady, as she reached Amy by means of a progression of messages.