Today we’re going over Part 2 of the Turnabout Trump case. Check out our guide to Part 1 here if you missed it.

Episode 1 - Turnabout Trump Part 2 Case Guide

We finally solve the case of Mr. Smith’s murder in Turnabout Trump Part 2. In order to prove our defendant’s innocence, however, we must not make any mistakes, lest we lose our edge in the courtroom.

This guide walks you through every Press, Present, and prompt in the Cross-Examination for Turnabout Trump Part 2 in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. To avoid spoiling the juicy story as it unfolds, we only present what you need to know to successfully defend your client.

Cross-Examination: The Best Laid Traps

As the court reconvenes from recess, they ask the witness, Olga Orly, to return to the stand and testify. She reveals her true identity and reworks her testimony.

If you recall, the statement prior to this admits that her trap failed. Why would Phoenix Wright attack her if he had no motive? Press her about the defendant swinging the bottle.

She doesn’t respond to your initial question. When given the choice, Press Harder.

Apollo notices something odd: she touches her neck during certain parts of her testimony. Perceive this to call her out to the court.

The courtroom asks for proof of Olga’s habit. Present the Deadly Bottle to the court to observe the witness’s reaction.

Olga gets a little shakey after you question her and she delivers a similarly fishy testimony. Didn’t the defendant, Mr. Wright, call the cops?

This piece of evidence directly contradicts her statement. Present Wright’s Cell Phone to the court.

Wright interrupts court again after Kristoph’s uncharacteristically hasty conclusion and reminds us that a fourth person that may have been at the crime scene. We’re asked to speculate on the identity of the fourth person.

Well, Kristoph Gavin said he was there that night before the trial even began in Part 1. Additionally, he did poetically describe the cards as blue before we ever confirmed that they were, in fact, red. Present Kristoph Gavin’s profile to the court.

The court explodes at the accusation and doesn’t even want to give the defendant, Phoenix Wright, the chance to testify on it. However, it’s your choice. When given the prompt, Hear the Testimony.

Cross-Examination: Appetite Before Murder

Phoenix testifies a series of events that closely match Olga’s final testimony.

Well if the trap failed, he must have discovered the trap somehow, right? Press him about it to find out more. He amends his statement.

He says he disposed of the card in the bottle but did he really? We have it here as evidence, we can find out.

Pull up the Deadly Bottle and Check it. Turn it over using the scroll wheels and Examine the bottom of the bottle.

It looks to be empty. Present the Deadly Bottle as a contradiction to the court. The missing card is a solid catch, but there’s more to glean from the defendant’s testimony.

That’s funny. Wasn’t there a hat covering the cut on the victim’s head when the police arrived?

This is the photo the police took immediately upon arriving at the scene. The hat definitely was on his head. So how could Wright have seen the cut? Present Crime Photo 1 as a contradiction to the court.

Cross-Examination: That Fateful Night

The court takes a brief recess. When it reconvenes, the judge calls Kristoph to the stand as a second witness.

If he was only a witness, then another person must have been there to swap the cards. Press him about this to see if you can’t squeeze any more information out of him.

After bringing up the swapped cards again, the court demands to hear a reason the killed would have to swap the card. When prompted, Show Evidence.

The fifth ace had a splatter of blood on it that would have given away the whole scene. Present the Bloody Ace as the reason for the card swap.

In light of the new evidence, the entire scene is riddled with problems and inconsistencies. First off, if the Ace was on the table, the Victim would have to be in a different position to drip blood on it. Present the Victim (the V) as a contradiction to the new evidence.

After making note of the victim’s odd position, the court asks you to correct the position. Simply turn the chair around as pictured above and the scene will progress automatically.

With the victim turned around, we’re presented with a new contradiction. The Killer couldn’t possibly murder Mr. Smith from that position. Present the Killer (the K) as a contradiction to the court.

The court agrees that the killer is in a weird spot in the diagram but they can’t figure out where else the killer would be. Present the spot in front of the victim as pictured above.

The court agrees that the killer cannot fit in the space where the cupboard is. Move the cupboard to the left so that the killer can fit.

Now that the cupboard is moved, another contradiction surfaces. The window inside the Hydeout is now completely covered, so Kristoph Gavin wouldn’t have been able to see through it. Present Kristoph Gavin (the 2) to the court.

In an act of desperation, Kristoph reminds the court about Phoenix’s upside-down fingerprints on the murder weapon. If you look at Olga’s Photo, you’ll notice that the defendant is sitting next to a box of grape juice bottles. Were he to reach down and pick one up, his fingerprints would naturally appear upside-down. Present Olga’s Photo to the court as a reason for Mr. Wright’s upside-down prints.

Another bottle arrives from the crime scene, this one from the crates near the piano. Turn the bottle over with the scroll wheels and Examine the bottom of it. You’ll find the card that Wright disposed of before the poker game. Suddenly everything comes into perspective.

And with that, the case is solved. The defendant, Phoenix Wright, is found Not Guilty and is cleared of all charges. But there is still one final interaction before Episode 1 draws to a close.

After the trial concludes, Wright admits he forged a piece of evidence and asks if you can figure out which one. Present the Bloody Ace his daughter gave you during the last recess. He admits that the killer took the fifth ace to destroy the evidence and so it was nowhere to be found. However, I think we can forgive his small slight, just this once.

Episode 1 was quite the case! You can find our guide to Turnabout Trump Part 1 here. We have three more case guides to go in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, so stick with us!