The official trailer for Apple Pie Jones was uploaded today to Slice VR’s YouTube channel, showing off lasers, box-throwing mechanics, and a glimpse at what puzzles might be like. Previously titled Colonel Apple Pie Jones, this game was at the Austin Vive VR Jam Project earlier this year, so people already had the opportunity to test out possibilities of what was to come.

As described by Slice VR:

Apple Pie Jones appears to be a comedic puzzle simulation game with a focus on dialogue from its (ironically) Russian voiceover. The gameplay demos give short tasks where users have to aim their lasers to destroy objects, or use their gravity-defying weapon to pick up, place, and throw objects. Similar to several other VR demos, gameplay appears to be from a singular standing position that relies on the user turning and viewing their surroundings.

Apple Pie Jones will be coming to Oculus Connect alongside all major VR platforms at an unannounced time in 2016. For more information, visit the SliceVR website.