The ArcheAge servers have been down the past two days as Trion Worlds prepares the patch to go live and puts up the two new servers, Morpheus (NA) and Rangora (EU), along with the finalized merges of older servers.

So what’s in ArcheAge 2.0? A ton of stuff! Check out the patch notes to see for yourself.

Some of the more notable additions being added are the Hero System, Guild Dominions (for some guild versus guild excitement), house upgrades, five Greater Dungeons, and loads of changes to the more intricate parts of the game.

Players hopping on the new servers immediately after launch need to get ready – the land rush is coming! Good luck in getting a plot in your desired area, because you (and I) are going to need it.

(Update: Due to complications, the 2.0 launch has been delayed. Keep your eyes on the ArcheAge Twitter for updates on the situation)