Steve Jorgensen and his little girl Ella were playing outside in the downpour in the state’s West Valley, when lightning struck either the young lady or the ground close to her, Fox 10 announced.

“It was a super, brilliant, noisy accident that broke,” Jorgensen said.

Ella dropped to the ground and her heart quit pulsating. Jorgensen bird to the ground and promptly started chest compressions to the tune of “Stayin’ Alive,” an expertise he mastered during his time in the military.

“I got her heart back going. Got her breathing [for a] short measure of time, so I lost it once more,” said Jorgensen.

“You could hear me singing the Honey bee Hmm’s ‘Remaining Alive’ as I was giving her a revival and afterward at long last I got her moving,” Jorgensen expressed, as per AZ Focal.

Ella’s heart quit pulsating multiple times, yet her dad had the option to restore her each time until crisis responders showed up and dominated.

The youthful survivor emerged from the trial without any memory of the hit yet was left with only a little injury: a consume on her neck left from a jewelry she was wearing that broke when she was struck. Besides, an extraordinary story.

— KALB News Channel 5 (@KALBtv5) October 18, 2022

“When we got the cylinders out, and her mother told her once more, she just took a gander at her mother, embraced her and said ‘I will have a cool story everlastingly now,’” Jorgensen said.

Specialists said Jorgensen is the explanation his girl endure the lightning strike. He supported his own wounds in the salvage — two scratched knees — which were of no outcome to the gallant dad.