According to her backstory, Dr. Coyle is head of the ARMS Lab and runs the Party Crash program. She also created the game’s main villain, Hedlock, as well as the playable fighter Helix. The Party Crash program represents the new online event mode which runs every few weeks for a set time frame. In it, players can compete in fast-paced matches to earn points and raise their Lab Level. Depending on the level reached, the player will earn additional money and prizes.

Dr. Coyle will be able to punch, dash, and block while levitating in the air, and she can launch a third arm after charging up. She can also activate momentary invisibility after guarding. 

The update includes a new stage called [NAME REDACTED] (yes, that’s the actual name) and three new ARMS called Lokjaw, Parabola, and Brrchuk.

ARMS continues to be a fun game to play with friends or online, and the continued updates throughout the year are a nice treat.