The artist has made his most memorable authority post on his Instagram page.

Harrysong, who shared a photograph of himself sitting in his vehicle, requested that his fans play him a melody.

“Jawline chon slender, play me… ”

Harrysong vowed to share subtleties of his arrangement and settlement with Soso in an Instagram story post.

— kogonuso_media (@Kogonuso_Media) October 12, 2022

The vocalist additionally expressed that he and his previous supervisor are embracing a positive outlook.

“I’m out and fine.” As long as I didn’t die.”

We’re fine at this point. Subtleties of our arrangement and settlement will be accessible live on my Instagram at 11 p.m. this evening.”

It was recently announced that artist Harrysong would be set free from police guardianship subsequent to saying ‘sorry’ to Soso Soberekon. Recollect how the vocalist started a hornet’s home when he made a misleading claim against his previous chief?

He asserted that the music chief was after his life while bemoaning the issue of phony fellowship in the Nigerian scene.

Soso, he asserted, was not his companion since he sent individuals to kill him in Port Harcourt.

This stunning disclosure came during a meeting on the Frankly Talking digital recording, which is co-facilitated by entertainer Nedu.