The YBNL Country hotshot and Realm endorser in the wake of selling out three (3) dates at the O2 Brixton Foundation has revealed that he would head a bigger scene for his next show in London

Asake made the astonishing declaration on the bird application subsequent to understanding that he misjudged the affection his fans in the Assembled Realm had for him.

As per the ‘Sort out’ hit-creator, he has gotten a few messages from fans, who couldn’t buy their tickets and to determine this, he would be moving to a bigger scene which will be reported sometime in the not too distant future.

He expressed, “Big on account of my UK eliminators for all the adoration and backing. I should admit, it’s past my most out of control creative mind.

Please accept my apologies for underrating your affection for me. I realize 3 days are sold out currently in London yet sufficiently not.

I’ve gotten such countless msgs and grumblings from individuals that couldn’t get a tick.

In this way, consequently, I’ll do a bigger setting as quickly as possible to make it dependent upon all of you. Date to be reported soon”.

— ASAKE (@asakemusik) October 4, 2022